Youth Summer Volunteering Programme (ages 16-25) (University Hospital of Wales, and University Hospital Llandough)

Opportunity image

6 weeks

A 6 week volunteering programme designed with young people in mind, taking place during the 6 weeks Summer Holidays (21/07/2025 - 29/08/2025).

You don’t have to be interested in a career in the NHS or medical profession to volunteer on this project. We are interested in young people from all walks of life who are looking to volunteer during the summer and are reliable.

Before applying, please make sure;

  • You are able to volunteer twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the duration of the 6 weeks programme
  • You are able to travel to both University Hospital of Llandough and University Hospital Wales- times and locations of your volunteering will be randomly allocated to you.

Places are limited and successful applicants will be selected after the interview process has been completed.

*All of our opportunities are subject to availability - please keep in mind that the application window will close as soon as the applications are filled so be sure to get your application in as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!